Oilfields development
Oilfield services

«Petros» Group offers best Russian software in the field of seismicity, geophysics and geologic modeling worked out by the experts of JSS «Central Geophysical Expedition» on the basis of DV-Technology of dynamic interpretation in the mode of continuous visualization. The programs meet the world’s standards, they exceed the level of the most analogous systems on «cost/quality» features and are successfully implemented in Russia and overseas.

DV-1 Discovery

DV-1 package includes interactive, high-speed flexible tool of the 21 century designed for detailed analysis of three dimensional seismical data taken together with the results of geophysical drill hole survey.


DV Geo package is designed for construction and support of three dimensional models of oil an natural gas deposits as well as for calculation of the reserves on the basis of integrated interpretation of geological-geophysical and field data.


Integrated software package for creation, support and analysis of digital three dimensional structural-parametric model of oil and natural gas deposits on the basis of systemic data interpretation of prospecting seismology, geology, logging and petrophysics.

INPRES - Seismic Interpretation System

Software package designed for integrated interpretation of prospecting 2D,3D seismology data based on GIS materials and general geologic information at all stages of exploratory and field works.

The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is responsible for the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. We don't want to PR on a global disaster, but the latest information about the size and properties of the coronavirus suggests that our filters can also be useful in the fight against the pandemic.
NAQWA water filters delivered to Syria by Russian Humanitarian Mission.
10 tons of humanitarian aid including NAQWA water filters were delivered to Latakia province in Syria by Russian Humanitarian Mission…
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