Oilfields development
Oilfield services

Technological products of “Petros” Group  are devoted to methods of improving oil production and to methods of increasing reservoir recovery(EOR Technologies). “Petros” has at its disposal more than twenty EOR technologies, which were successfully applied in Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, USA and other countries. Most of these technologies are based on fundamental investigations carried out in leading Russian oil research centers such as VNIIneft, RMNTK “Nefteotdacha”, CGE and others.


Technological Complex “PETRA” for Operational Management of Oil Field Development.

Presentation PDF    Presentation PPT

Goals: location of weakly drainable (by-passed) reserves, increase of oil production, optimization of field costs. It has been in use in Russia since midst of 1990 with average annual surplus oil production 100-300 thousand tons.

Integrated Technology.

 Presentation PDF   Presentation  PPT

Goals: integration of stratum qualities and new opportunities of EOR technologies. Combination of vertical and horizontal displacement of oil.  Planning of  development with optimal ORR. Successfully applied in the oilfields of  Western Siberia.

Thermo-Gas  EOR Method.

Presentation PDF   Presentation  PPT

This technology is based on inflation of gas into the stratum and its further transformation into efficient displacing agents due to low temperature intra-stratum oxidizing processes. Excellent field results were achieved in the USA, Ukraine and Russia.

Technological Complex «КОRNТЕCH».

Presentation PPT (RUS)

This technology combines positive qualities of popular methods of regulation of injectivity profiles and polymer flooding. Periodic treatment of injecting wells allows continuously control of water flooding of heterogeneous stratum and secure transitional mode of influence, assisting to enhance oil recovery rate. Accumulated surplus oil production in Russia – more than 3 mln. tons of oil.

Technology of Complex Transitional Influence.

In 1997 this technology was awarded silver medal and the diploma at 46 International Exhibition of Innovations, Scientific Investigations and New Technologies in Brussels. Average annual oil production at Samotlor oilfield (Russia) due to this method is more than 300 thousand tons.

Surfactants displacement

Surfactants displacement is aimed at reducing the surface tension at the oil-water border, increasing oil mobility and improving the displacement of water. Oil Recovery Index of Chemical Methods in Russia is 25–35%.

The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is responsible for the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. We don't want to PR on a global disaster, but the latest information about the size and properties of the coronavirus suggests that our filters can also be useful in the fight against the pandemic.
NAQWA water filters delivered to Syria by Russian Humanitarian Mission.
10 tons of humanitarian aid including NAQWA water filters were delivered to Latakia province in Syria by Russian Humanitarian Mission…

New Products & Services
Filters are designed to produce drinking water away from wells, ponds, rivers, lakes, swampsWater Technologies
Portable NAQWA Spring water recoverers for getting drinking water out of superficial sources.
Distant Earth Screening Technology (DEST)DEST
Distant Earth Screening Technology
Tank CleaningTank Cleaning
Tank cleaning is carried out with the use of a new technology
LQtest 2.8 special   Device for detection of explosive and flammable liquids inside sealed vessels LQtest 2.8 special
Device for detection of explosive and flammable liquids inside sealed vessels



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