Oilfields development
Oilfield services
09.02.2011 Indonesia to Seek Part of Tangguh Gas for Proposed Fertilizer Plants

Indonesia will ask BP to allocate about 120,000-180,000 Mcf/day of gas from Tangguh to proposed fertilizer plants, which will be built near the project, a senior energy ministry official said Wednesday.

09.02.2011 Fuel Consumption in Indonesia Rises 9 Pct

In January 2011, the consumption rate of premium fuel grew 9.39 percent.

08.02.2011 Not All Gas Stations in Indonesia Ready for Subsidy Cut, House Told

Reluctance by some gas station owners to invest in upgrading their tanks and pumps could scuttle government plans to prohibit private vehicles from using low-octane, subsidized fuel, an industry chairman said.

07.02.2011 Analysis: Indonesia: Fuelling up

Indonesia’s energy industry is looking to ramp up investments at home and abroad to boost output and help meet the growing demand from the domestic market while maintaining its position as a leading natural gas exporter.

02.02.2011 Pertamina Increases Non-Subsidized Fuel Prices

State-owned oil and gas firm Pertamina has increased the price of its non-subsidized fuels — which include Pertamax, Pertamax Plus and Bio Pertamax — across Indonesia, as of Tuesday.

02.02.2011 Eight Oil, Gas Companies Targeted for New Transparency Reports

Eight major oil and gas companies are targeted for Indonesia’s premier Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) reports, expected to be launched in October 2011.

28.01.2011 India-Indonesia Links Deepen

Indonesian and Indian officials have signed 18 Memoranda of Understanding.

26.01.2011 Exxon to Change Indonesia’s First LNG Plant Into Import Terminal

Exxon Mobil Corp. will start converting Indonesia’s oldest liquefied natural gas plant into an LNG receiving terminal to supply domestic consumers as export cargoes decline, said the country’s oil and gas regulator.

11.01.2011 Indonesia's Oil Problem

One told a decade ago that oil prices would quadruple but not seriously hurt growth in emerging economies, it would have seemed fantastic.

11.01.2011 Boediono: Indonesia Can Achieve Higher Growth

Vice President Boediono feels that the 2011 economic growth target, which was 6.4 percent of GDP, was too low. He said that Indonesia had sufficient capacity to achieve higher growth.

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