Oilfields development
Oilfield services
19.07.2011 Govt to Open Up LNG Imports to Private Firms

With the country unable to meet the energy needs of its fast-growing industries, the government will now allow local companies to import liquefied natural gas, Industry Minister M.S. Hidayat said on Monday.

13.07.2011 Academician A. Bokserman gave a speech on NG Oil & Gas Summit Russia & CIS.

July 5-7, 2011 NG Oil & Gas Summit Russia & CIS was held in Radisson Royal Hotel, Moscow. Discussed were the problems of innovative development of oil production in Russia, including its prior stream which is creation, development and implementation of modern methods of enhanced oil recovery (EOR).

30.06.2011 EOR Methods to Increase National Oil Production

PT Petros Technologies Indonesia took part in the Workshop on EOR Methods to Increase National Oil Production which was held in Bandung, Indonesia 23-24 June 2011.

27.06.2011 NanEx Participated in the Latest Building Technology Exhibition

NanEx has taken a worthy place at IndoBuildtech 2011 and aroused attention of hundreds of visitors and exhibitors.

21.06.2011 Russian firms set to build power plants in West Java

Russian investors have expressed interest in investing in West Java, especially in the energy sector, a company representative says.

08.06.2011 Pertamina to Build New Pipeline Network

Pertamina Gas, a subsidiary of state oil and gas firm PT Pertamina, plans to build a new pipeline network connecting Cirebon and Muara Karang in Jakarta.

03.06.2011 Jakarta Aims to Attract Energy Firms

As more people and more vehicles push up demand for energy in Indonesia, the government is under pressure to crank up the output of crude oil and gas.

03.06.2011 Energy Industry Group Decries Plan to Amend Oil and Gas Law

Revising the country’s oil and gas law would only add further legal uncertainty to the industry, the Indonesian Petroleum Association has claimed.

24.05.2011 Pertamina Issues $1.5b in Global Bonds

State oil and gas company PT Pertamina raised US$1.5 billion from the issuance of global bonds to international investors last week, according to the company’s finance chief.

21.05.2011 Indonesia Announces The Winning Bidders Of Three Oil/Gas Blocks

The Indonesian government Friday announced the three winning bidders for three oil and gas blocks auctioned through a regular mechanism on Dec 10, 2010, Antara news agency reported.

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NAQWA water filters delivered to Syria by Russian Humanitarian Mission.
10 tons of humanitarian aid including NAQWA water filters were delivered to Latakia province in Syria by Russian Humanitarian Mission…

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