Oilfields development
Oilfield services
17.05.2011 Oil Regulator Ready to Call Companies on the Carpet

Upstream oil and gas regulator BPMigas plans to summon the country’s oil companies to seek an explanation on their failure to meet oil production targets this year, a top executive said.

16.05.2011 BPMigas aims to prevent unplanned shutdowns

Amid mounting pressure to boost Indonesia’s oil production, upstream oil and gas regulator BPMigas said it would tighten its supervision of production sharing contract (PSC) holders to prevent unplanned shutdowns that could hurt production.

12.05.2011 Petros Technologies Indonesia Became a Member of Indonesian Petroleum Association

PT Petros Technologies Indonesia became a member of Indonesian Petroleum Association.

10.05.2011 Pertamina to Make $3.5 Billion Bid in Africa: WSJ

State oil and gas company Pertamina has put in a bid of about $3.5 billion for Exxon Mobil’s 25 percent stake in an Angolan oil block, surpassing an offer from a Chinese rival.

09.05.2011 Indonesian and Russian Oilmen – Sharing Experience Learning from Each Other

PT Petros Technologies Indonesia Executive Director Victor I. Tarusin has exposed his practical view on the prospects of strategic developments of ASEAN-Russia cooperation in oil and gas sector based on live experience of doing business in Indonesia.

29.04.2011 BPMigas endorses Pertamina to operate W. Madura block

Upstream oil and gas regulator BPMigas announced Thursday its official recommendation that the government appoint state oil and gas firm PT Pertamina the operator of the West Madura offshore oil block.

27.04.2011 150 Сompanies Expected to Participate in IPA Convention.

The Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) announced Wednesday it would hold the 35th IPA Convention and Exhibition with the theme “Indonesia Energy: Growth, Security and Sustainability” from May 18 to 20 at the Jakarta Convention Center.

26.04.2011 ExxonMobil Finds More Oil on Indonesia Cepu Block

Subsidiaries of ExxonMobil Corp. made an oil discovery this month on the Cepu block on Java.

20.04.2011 Oil Production Target Is Out of Reach: BPMigas

The government acknowledged on Wednesday that Indonesia would miss its oil production target this year, putting the blame on unplanned shutdowns and declining reserves.

19.04.2011 Indonesia to host 20th World Economic Forum on East Asia in June

Indonesia will host the 20th World Economic Forum Summit on East Asia themed Responding to the New Globalism on June 12-13, a press statement said here on Tuesday.

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